I suppose you can say that winter is here now... kinda late, and I don't know if I mind that as much as I maybe should or shouldn't but uh...
As much as it seems winter is here, it really just doesn't feel like it. I suppose I was expecting a foot of snow already, and since there's not, does that prove global warming? I hope it doesn't because I don't want our planet to be ...warm. I don't want winter to be a fading memory, as if one morning you'll wake up, turn to your wife/husband/dog/cat/fish/bird/pillow and say "Hey, remember back in the day there was that white stuff on the ground? Made everything look pretty and I remember something about ...what's that word? You know, when it used to be not warm? No, I don't mean hot... cause it still gets hot. I mean when it's neither hot nor warm it's... um, I think it rhymed with something."
As much as it seems winter is here, it really just doesn't feel like it. I suppose I was expecting a foot of snow already, and since there's not, does that prove global warming? I hope it doesn't because I don't want our planet to be ...warm. I don't want winter to be a fading memory, as if one morning you'll wake up, turn to your wife/husband/dog/cat/fish/bird/pillow and say "Hey, remember back in the day there was that white stuff on the ground? Made everything look pretty and I remember something about ...what's that word? You know, when it used to be not warm? No, I don't mean hot... cause it still gets hot. I mean when it's neither hot nor warm it's... um, I think it rhymed with something."
Do you think it'll ever come to that? I suppose that is easy to imagine if you live in a place where it has never snowed before. I guess I just don't want "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" to become reality. Not that I'll miss the cold of winter, but I'll miss the snow. I likes my snow- peoples, angels, ball fights, and fields.
Impulse - (n) 1. a force that starts a body into motion; also: the motion produced by such a force 2. an arousing of the mind and spirit to some usu. unpremeditated action 3. nerve impulse
Windmill of my heart
Waiting for a gust to come
Break this motionless.
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