I don't mean eye sight, I mean planning and the future. It seems that for the most part, since society became quite individualistic, taking over the family business or trade, is becoming more and more a thing of the past. It still exists mind you, probably very much so in some parts of the world, and depending on the stability in the life of one's parents. Neither the falling away nor the continuation of a business or trade seem to be constant, especially with the state of the market in North America these days.
There are families in which the same career has been passed down from father to son (and mother to daughter) for many generations, perhaps even since the creation of the trade or business, and that's something that I would like in my own life. At least there is stability in it (again depending on the market in some cases) and there is also a bonding.
I think that for the most part the son always thinks that he will never be as good as his father, and that is how it has always been (or at least that is how I've seen it portrayed in stories, whether film or novel). Maybe such a thing has been romanticized in stories, but I don't believe that to be completely true. I think that if my father would have grown up with a trade and had passed it down to me, I might have a bit more ...confidence. As it is I have grown up with no passed on skill or ability, and unless I develop one of my own I have nothing to pass on to my children. Well that is of course assuming that some lovely lady out there would ever consider myself as husband material.
I suppose if I were to look at my life right now and say "This is what I have to offer" it would be my passion for creativity. I know that creative juices more come from the individual, but perhaps my children would be inspired by my work, or at least my enjoyment of the works I create.
I think part of the problem is that I've been told that I can achieve what I put my mind to, but not shown how to keep my mind on something. Sigh. I guess I can only wait and see where life takes me. Perhaps that is also part of the problem, I'm always waiting for that "final step" but I don't think you ever really reach it.
Okay, so here's the WOTD:
Whilom - (adv) archaic: formerly
I guess as an example it would be "His whilom house" or "Her whilom friends" or "My whilom vacation spot".
Sitting in the shade
Provided by the maple
Dreaming of Batman.
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