Sitting in the warmth of the sun, in her favorite rocking chair by the east window, she was reading the latest book by her favorite author. She was stuck on the last chapter, or rather the first sentence because if began to read that would either bring about a sad ending or a rather cursed cliff hanger. It seemed to her that there was no way the author could end such drama in one last chapter, and yet it seemed unlike the author to do this to his readers. Perhaps the author was wanting to try and start a series for the first time, as all his previous books were all beginning, middle, and end stories, maybe this was his first attempt in continuity.
If this was such an attempt, she didn't like it one bit. This sort of ending was no sort of way to treat your loyal readers. She didn't know which was worse: a cliff hanger or a sad ending. The story has been so good up until the previous chapter, or rather the last two paragraphs of the previous chapter. When she turned the page that was when she realized she was on the last chapter of the book. It didn't seem possible at first, she flipped the pages but no other chapters were ready and waiting. She went to the table of contents and saw that chapter 30 was in fact the last chapter.
What a cruel way to bring such a wonderful story to an end, whether that was a brief ending only to be continued or it was a definite ending was yet to be seen... and who did he think he was, ending a book in such a way?! How dar- ! She slammed the book shut, as if it has been a door in the author's face. There was no way she could go on now and perhaps ending before the worst should happen would be the best way to remember the story. Yes, that's what she'd do. Just leave the book locked away in the attic and come up with a better ending. Then she would write a letter to the author and tell him how she felt.
She got up to fetch a pen and paper... but the book was still in her hand and she was still sitting in the chair. The chapter had a bit of length to it, perhaps a hero comes and saves the day at the last moment. Perhaps there's still hope left, still a chance for a good ending. She had quiet enjoyed the author's previous works, he hadn't let her down before ...yet.
What is this? I really like it. I can definitely relate to not wanting to finish a book. Not really because I don't want a crappy ending, but because I don't want the book (usually a series.... OK, Harry Potter!!) to end. Once you finish the last book (or chapter) that's it. You're done. And sometimes that's a horrible feeling.
Luckily, a friend of mine from work asked me to go see Twilight, and I LOVED it! I started reading the book yesterday, so now I have a new series to read.
This is what came to my head last night. I just felt like starting in the middle of a story. I don't know how this story might start... or end for that matter. Man, such a mystery... Also I wanted to leave the charactor nameless, even though I know there were a number of places I would have used her name instead of "she".
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