Thieves. No, nothing was stolen from me, and I haven't become a thief... this is just because of the lengths some people will go to because of thieves.
Car alarms, steering wheel arm lock thingies, Beware Of Dog signs, getting a dog (yappy or big and mean), motion sensor lights, security system signs, security systems, locks, double locks, keypad locks, keypad locks with key locks, security cameras, security cameras that work...
I say most of it is all hooey and we just shouldn't bother. What? Dave, are you seriously considering what I think you're considering?
Yeah I am, have a problem with that?
I just think it's a little absurd and or futile.
Futile! What? Your face is futile! ...What, no come back? Yeah, that's what I thought. Man, you momma is so absurd and futile, she thought um... she'd dispute the title of Burger King. Cause she'd eat a lot of burgers... so she'd be the king ..er, queen. I guess that's more of a fat joke. A bad fat joke.
What was your idea anyway?
I thought you knew what I was thinking.
Oi! Let's get on with it, eh? Enough of these shenanigans. Get back to work you!
Yes sir, sorry sir. Won't happen again sir.
I'd better not or else!
As I was trying to say, I think we should all just ...well I guess in the long run it would be futile so... forget it. Sorry everybody, just thought I was onto something. Sorry.
What?! You can't just back out now, you've drug us out this far, you might as well bring it full circle mate!
No, I don't think I should at this point.
Look, just because someone who was somehow reading your mind, said your idea was futile, doesn't mean you get to leave the rest of us out of the loop, just cause you agree with them now. I didn't stop watching me stories just so you could back out of an idea. Now you get on with it and I won't have to regret leaving me shows.
Yeah but what if, after hearing me -er, my idea, you think it's futile and then you'd feel worse about leaving your stories.
Now listen here mate! Backing out might be the way you do things in America, but here in ol'foreigns you finish your thoughts or you don't start them at all.
No, I'm just going to go ahead with the WOTD.
You bloody- I've got half a mind-
Yeah you do!
Oi! That was uncalled for and-
You walked right into it! Look, you might leave those sort of things alone in ol'foreigns, but here in America we slam someone when we get the chance. Now if you don't mind already-
Just get on with it!
Okay, today's WOTD is:
Wobble - (vb) 1. to move or cause to move with an irregular rocking or side-to-side motion 2. tremble, quaver 3. waver, vacillate
Man, I wonder what 'vacillate' means. Okay, onto the haiku of today:
Live and in concert
Rockin' out for all their fans
Jump and sing along.
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