Can you dream you're an inanimate object? I don't think you can because ...well for you to be dreaming you're something that doesn't live, the object would at least be conscious of its surroundings and the people using it.
Maybe you could. Maybe I have a dream that I'm someone's dishwasher. Would I feel them open my door? If I did, would I think about how it felt? Could I feel them loading dishes on my racks and then have to wait around until they ate again and then put more dishes in me, until I was full? Could I act independently? Run when I want to? Open my door if I want to? Or would i have to wait for the actions of a human?
I suppose that if it were my dream, I could perhaps control it... or maybe the moment I attempt an independent act, I would wake up. I don't know if you'd wake up simply because you tried to behave in a way not attributed to dishwashers. I think you'd wake up simply because your mind might not be able to accept the fact that you are now a dishwasher.
You know, I bet I could make a really interesting book, simply by writing about how it is to be various household appliances. Each chapter could be a different appliance. And I could make multiple books on multiple subjects: household appliances, construction equipment, clothing, vehicles, accessories, plants, computers... Man, the list could really go on!
Ooo, books! Better yet, books from the library. And the final chapter in my book about being a book is being the book itself. That's a sweet idea and I put copy rights on it. Double stampies to infinitum! ...Oh, I thought infinitum was a word but apparently it's not. I'll just have to stick to infinitude.
I don't know which book I'd make first though... I guess I'll just have to flip a coin or play Rock Paper Scissors... against myself.
And here's the WOTD:
Foehn - (n) a warm dry wind blowing down a mountainside
Today's haiku:
Small revolution
Protesting captivity
Stand against the Man.
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