Unspoken rules in friendship. (not in any order except what comes to mind)
1. Don't use a friend's washroom until you really have to
2. Always ask to have something from the fridge
3. Keep in your gas or excuse yourself to the washroom (unless it's just the guys or girls ...but even then...)
4. Wearing the same clothes day after day is acceptable when camping only, or laundry day
5. Offer to share
6. Laugh, whether just being polite or in sincerity, at their jokes
7. Be forgiving in the little things and take revenge at even smaller things; never hold a grudge
8. Let lunch/coffee/a movie/etc... be 'on you' every once in a while
9. Never pass up a good burn (especially if they walk right into it)
10. Always offer praise for a job well done; share in the victories (the reverse is also true: help them reach a victory whenever possible)
Okay, on to the WOTD:
Acanthus - (n) 1. any of a genus of prickly herbs of the Mediterranean region 2. an ornamentation (as on a column) representing the leaves of the acanthus
And now for today's haiku:
Sweet honey dripping
Bringing him to contentment
Resting in the shade.
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