Now hold on, I'm not going all flaky on you, it's just more laziness speaking. Hear me ...read me out on this one.
Have you ever had this problem (ladies especially I guess, but sometime guys too), you're standing in front of the closet and thinking "What should I wear today?" I mostly just grab what there is and ...well besides consideration of my job, whatever I grabs I wears.
But sometimes, there's that day when you just need that perfect outfit that goes together because ...well I don't know, maybe a hot date or like... a ...concert. Or maybe you um, like to match on mondays. And let us presume you have poor taste in matching. You have great taste in clothing but it's the putting it together that gets your goat.
Think about it, in most any video game that lets you customize your character, there are a variety of different outfits to choose from. Most have the option to mix and match, but there are still outfits that are put together and it's up to you if you keep them that way or not.
The point is: why don't we have this in the stores? You go to the store and the only thing made up to match is the mannequin. I'd like to be able to go into the store and choose from different outfits. And much like the video game, you can either choose the whole ensemble or you can mix and match as you'd like. Also, it wouldn't cost extra to buy the whole outfit because we're living in pretend here. Probably. Unless you're rich.
Interferometer - (n) a device that uses the interference of waves (as of light) for making precise measurements
Rescued by Yeti
Shelter in cave made of snow
Train for next battle.
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