I don't know which is worse, leprechauns or greedy little clowns.
See, at least when you catch the leprechaun, he'll either give you his gold or play a trick to try and get out of it. But with little clowns, you catch them and all they's got is tricks. Yeah they're rich because they're greedy, but they only stock up on clown stuff. Not much gold there... well so then why would you be chasing after one in the first place? And plus, when you catch a little clown, their person is always booby trapped.
Although... I bet they do have some pretty sweet pies in their caves... or um... little cars. You could have pies o' plenty! Just remember not to try and pick pocket a little clown cause of the previously mentioned booby traps. And if you pick pocket a leprechaun, he'd hold it against you more than just taking his pot of gold. You don't want a leprechaun grudge on your head.
Okay, now for the WOTD:
Melee - (n) 1. A fight or hand-to-hand struggle in which the combatants are mingled in one confused mass. 2. A confused conflict or mingling.
Slowly getting warm
Fire eating away logs
Lay back watch the stars.
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