Acid snowflakes?
Anyone? Okay, so we have acid rain which is fine and all, but what about snowflakey acid? Is there something in the clouds that just wouldn't allow for that, or is it that where they get acid rain they just don't get snow?
But then, if it was in the clouds that made the acid ...basify? then how's the rain come acidy? Or even let's say acid sleet or hail? There's more water in sleet, so if anything it should be in that... and if snow is too small, well hail is bigger and-
I guess some of this or most of this would get solved by looking it up, but who does that anymore? Puttin' in links and all... kids! Nothing but time to waste and sugar to eat. And get off my lawn you hip-hoppin' punks! Think you're all rhythmical and astute! Back in my day...
Presenting, the WOTD:
Dressage - (n) the execution by a trained horse of complex movements in response to barely perceptible signals from its rider.
Next up, it's haiku:
Stopping halfway down
Not quite in her memory
Sitting down to think.
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