What started as a bubble, turned quickly to trouble and omniscience stirred in the wind. From under the service rose not a tortoise but a sting ray with death in its eye.
- An ode to Steve Erwin.
So then, life can be short and there's not a thing you can know about what the future holds. But what about the old person who has done everything wrong in life: smoking, drinking, drugs, dangerous living, and yet lives to be 98 or somewhere close to that. Then, live life to its fullest and don't hesitate in taking risks. You never know what life might bring so live it to its potential. But then if you don't know what's around the corner, you should take caution. Take your time through life and enjoy the small things, relax and appreciate what's in front of you.
Can one take a bit off both columns? If you do a little both, maybe you'll live to about 75 rather than 50 and yet not yet make it to 98. Should one even bother with the thoughts of death? Let's not think about the future but rather live for today. But without careful planning for the future you'll end up broke by the age of 50. You must plan ahead, that is why we get education. One must take care to get a proper education so that one may enter into a prosperous career. One needs a prosperous career in order to save up enough money so that one might enjoy a retirement and not work until one cannot work anymore.
Seems like there are many things one needs to do in order to live out a successful life. I say it's all too complicated and I'm just going to live out life as it comes to me. Foolish? Well fine, I'll do a little bit of planning, but not too far in the future.
Let me start with tomorrow's lunch. I'ma have left over pizza.
Okay so that's a good start, I'm done.
Good evening folks, and welcome to today's WOTD:
Animadvert - (vb) to remark critically: express censure
Haiku? Okay!
Lost in a small box
The only piece of its kind
Perfect fishing lure.
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