Slurpees. Such a magical delight and a gift from the heavens. But that is not the topic for today.
What I'm here to talk about today might blow your minds... well so maybe not, but I'll be you'll be impressed. Okay well maybe not impressed, but you'll like it. And if you don't well read an older post! I bet there are lots you've not read yet. Man! Some people are hard to please.
Okay so maybe if you're more like me, you'll at least like today's topic. I know there are different likes and preferences out there and we don't always match up. Does that mean we can't agree on anything? Don't worry, it doesn't because you know what? It's okay to be different. Like that kid who collects parking passes.
Right well, today's topic came to me when I was just about to fall asleep last night. I thought "Of course! It's so obvious and I can't believe I haven't posted it earlier. Man, why can't these things come up, these obvious things. If something's obvious it should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. But of course, since it is obvious then it begins to be taken for granted, and when something's taken for granted it goes to the back of your mind and eventually the spiderwebs in your mind cover it all up. Until one day when the caretakers of your mind are all like 'Hey, what's this dusty cobby thing over here, this piece of information here. Hey Bill, come look at this thing here.' So Bill comes over and blows the dust off the information and says 'Oh wow, I bet you he forgot about this, let's send it to the front.' And then you remember and you're all like "Oh wow, I forgot about that. I should totally bring it up!"
So today's topic, without further ado, is:
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