I plead the fifth!
Did you know that science cannot explain to me the reason for the lack of saskatoon berry milkshakes, in restaurants... in Saskatoon. I say, if there's a berry named after your town/city, then hecks, that should be the city/town's berry. Not exclusively but that it should show up more often than not. Maybe that's just a USA sort of thing... or rather a movie/tv USA sort of thing. I'm pretty certain that most of my knowledge of what goes on in a different country (in an every day life sort of fashion) comes from what I get from television and movies. Is that sad? My sister would say so but I say, let the knowledge fall from where it may ...and if that knowledge proves false in the end, I learn something new.
But I'm not getting into that, what I want is for more ...pride in our fruits. (Gay pun ...intended). It was too funny to pass up.
Okay but the rest of this is serious. You don't see us not planting Tiger Lillies, or um... not ...land of the living skies. Or um, getting rid of our bridges. So I say, get rid of this strawberry overload crap, give me saskatoon berries! But no, it's strawberry this and pomegranate that!
I'd say some kind of smart comment and wise crack about ...the liberals, but I'm fresh out. Plus it's already time for:
Ghastly - (adj) 1. horrible, shocking 2. resembling a ghost: deathlike, pale; syn: gruesome, grim, lurid, grisly, macabre
And now I give you my haiku:
Failing light bulb
Lashing out for room to breath
Harness victory.
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