Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Movie endings. Yeah I said it!

One of the most important elements in a movie, or any story really, is that it's gotta have a fitting ending. I'd say "good" but then that assumes "happy" or "funny" or some other "good" feeling word. I say fitting because not all endings are happy, some are sad but a sad ending can be what needs to take place, so I say fitting.

A movie can be good through-out, but if it ends in a poor way, that ruins a lot of what was accomplished. Unless a poor ending is the desired outcome from the writer, this should never happen. Plus, who'd want their story to end poorly? That would only dissuade the audience from giving their attention to any other piece of work a writer may produce.

As it is, I can't think of a movie with a poor ending at the moment. I can think of poor movies, but not ...well I suppose if a movie was poor through-out, it gives to reason the ending was poor, but I don't think that's what I meant. I mean that the ending takes away from the story. If the whole story is bad, it's hard to take away from it, unless of course the ending was even worse. Either way I can't name one right now. There may be movies that I wish ended differently but does that mean a poor ending?

Hail to the king baby!

Oh what? That was just Showbread. I'm listening to songs in alphabetical order of title and the next 10 songs have "dead" or "death" in the beginning of their name. What? I like sunshine, lollipops, and kittens as much as the next person but life isn't always about those things. Just in case you're wondering ...oh, so only one song starts with the word "life" but uh... 4 songs start with "love" and 5 songs start with "good". So there. That's 10 songs for good and 10 for bad. I wonder what would be in between?

Today's WOTD:

Immigrant - (n) 1. a person who immigrates 2. a plant or animal that becomes established where it did not previously occur

Um... why doesn't the second definition apply or hold to the person bit? "a person who immigrates" That's stupid. Might as well have "a plant or animal that immigrates" Lousy dictionary.


Tide ebbing away
Slowly erosion takes place
Trees slanting downward.

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