Vacation. This word often brings a feeling of anticipation along with it. Oh, before I continue I just want to say that I found out what the light in the sky was. It was an airplane. The sun was reflecting off it and I didn't know what it was. For a second I thought of The Truman Show.
Anyway, oh and planes and vacations.
Even if it's a mini vacation, like a weekend off somewhere. Mind you, that's probably what most of us get. Some are lucky and have a week, or some are wealthy and have a month. Not that you couldn't have saved up enough money to take a month off, but that most people don't choose to afford to do so.
The last vacation I was on ...well does going to a wedding count? I don't remember the last time I had a week off- maybe it was Christmas but that seems like a long time ago.
I've never been out of the country for a vacation, I think that is something I would like to do next. Yeah, save up for a long time and take a month off, go to Ireland or somewhere.
Do you think people who plan out a vacation get more out of one rather than people who just wing it? The same could be asked of weddings.
Time for the WOTD:
Palimpsest - (n) writing material (as a parchment) used after the erasure of earlier writing
Today's haiku:
Herd of cows grazing
Don't notice it flying by
Or all its beauty.
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